Cambiando Vidas Juntos

Cambiando Vidas Juntos

Changing lives together, is a private foundation that started in 2005 with the objective of promoting and strengthening a sense of philanthropy in Mexico and in our students at Colegio Americano Anahuac.

It is of the utmost importance for Colegio Americano Anahuac to encourage a humanistic vision in our community and with the support of our community of parents, students, teachers and administrative staff, we have accomplished great help for those in need.


The mission of Changing lives together Foundation is to assist people in vulnerable situation, by means of local and national institutions, in improving their quality of life.


To come together with other organizations, foundations, associations, etc, to help and support more people as well as to ensure the continuous nurturing of altruism within our community.

Other activities that take place during the school year to promote a humanistic vision are:


Recycling Campaign for the Anticancer Alliance


Hair Donation Campaign / TELETÓN


Visits to orphanages

What is given from the heart multiplies!